Sunday 9 December 2012

map your world

this is kind of my daily life :)

since i'm in college, i really really need more sleep

studying, designing, stressing

have fun sooooometimes

reading books



maroon 5


this video really blow my mind..........

Oblique Strategies

Oblique Strategies (subtitled Over One Hundred Worthwhile Dilemmas) is a deck of 7x9 cm printed cards in a black container box, created by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt and first published in 1975. Each card offers an aphorism intended to help artists (particularly musicians) break creative blocks by encouraging lateral thinking.

In 1970 Peter Schmidt created "The Thoughts Behind the Thoughts", a wooden box of 55 cards, in a signed and numbered edition of 100. Eno, who had known Schmidt since the early 1960s, was intrigued by the "Thoughts" and worked with Schmidt to expand them and offer them for general sale. After Schmidt died suddenly in early 1980, Eno stopped production and the card decks became rather rare and expensive. Sixteen years later software pioneer Peter Norton convinced Eno to let him create a fourth edition as Christmas gifts for his friends (not for sale, although they occasionally come up at auction). Eno's decision to revisit the cards and his collaboration with Norton in revising them is described in detail in his 1996 book, A Year with Swollen Appendices. With public interest in the cards undiminished, in 2010 Eno once again produced a new set of Oblique Strategies cards. The number and content of the cards vary somewhat from edition to edition.
The entire story of Oblique Strategies, with the content of all the cards, exhaustive history and commentary, is documented in a website widely acknowledged as the authoritative source, put together by musician and educator Gregory Alan Taylor.

In college it was tarot decks, a selection that I liked that would reflect my various moods. Now I’ve got Brian Eno to tap into my subconscious, him and his Oblique Strategies.
And this? This is either an example of how our minds interpret random events so they reflect our lives or the universe tapping me on the shoulder. Your choice.
But this does a good job of reflecting a lot of deep seated insecurities based on the fact that I just don’t want to do things the way they’re “supposed” to be done.

Intellectual Food

"Nyotaimori" (which literally means "female body plate") is the name of the japanese restaurant that serves sushi and sashimi on a naked woman's body. The body is made from food and placed on an operating table, much as though in a hospital. You can "operate" anyway and anywhere you want by cutting open the body and eating what you find inside. The body will actually bleed as you cut it and the intestines and organs inside are completely editable. It's a banquet of Cannibalism. 

At Cannibalistic Sushi, an edible body is wheeled out to your family on a gurney, along with as much scotch as you need to disinfect your forks and convince yourself that this was a good idea. Then, its time to dig in! Whether youre using chopsticks, a knife and fork, or your bare hands, one things for certain: youll be feasting on the entrails of a human being.
The artisans at Cannibalistic Sushi have taken pains to ensure that the human body you are ripping into is as lifelike as possible. The sushi inside is shaped to resemble human organs, a red blood sauce is embedded in the skin layer so as to create realistic bleeding, and your corpse even has a set of papier mach genitals! Its like your third grade arts and crafts project all over again.
If youre an experienced cannibal, make sure to specify a male or female corpse when ordering, and show the other diners just how sophisticated your taste in human flesh is. And although eating at Cannibalistic Sushi may not quell the voices in your head that command you to kill and devour those around you, it will certainly shut them up for a day or two.

Poetic Possibilities

i want my life is exciting as like the books and films. i ever read one book that tell a story about one sad boy finally find happiness when he found a giant peach and some insects that as big as human. and they live in the that giant peach together and rolling and flying all around the world and facing the troubles together.

Alice in the Wonderland


actually i don't know what is the meaning of hybridology. after googled for minutes, what i get is hybridology is mixture, different, blend, something like that. so i want to explain abouuuut, hmm, fantasy? bcause like half human and half animal is only in myth and fantasy. i really like fantasy book which have faun, half horse, and others. like the chronicles of narnia, the alchemyst, tunnels, deeper, etc.

and also i heard that there is a puppy was born that look like human,

Saturday 8 December 2012

Flawed with Awe

12 years old Mongolian boy singing for his mother in heaven 

even i can't speak chinese, but i can feel how this boy miss his mom and dad who already in the heaven. he can still live his life without his parents even he's just 12 years old. 

Chinese girl playing piano with one hand

this is small town girl who never seen piano until three years ago. who says to be an expert we must have 10 fingers and need long time?

Amazing drawing with mouth and feet

Huang Guofu didn’t let the childhood accident that left him armless at the age of four interfere with his love for painting. Instead, he taught himself to paint with his feet at the age of 12. He recalls staying up all night at times just to practice. After his father fell ill, Guong, 18 at the time, quit school and decided to pursue painting as a profession in order to help pay for treatments. He started selling his art on the streets where some purchased his work purely out of sympathy.
Guong soon started traveling to different cities to sell his artwork; after hearing that his paintings lacked elegance because of his technique, he taught himself to use the brush with his teeth. Using his mouth allowed him to paint with more detail.
His effort and dedication have not gone unnoticed. As his skills have progressed, so has his recognition. Huang Guofu was recently named vice-curator of the newly opened Chonqing Talents Museum. Now, dealers and art lovers around the world seek out his paintings.

Handicapped Chinese Man fixes bycicle tire with his feet